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Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift

Ausgabe 17-18/2010 Osteoimmunology

Inhalt (8 Artikel)

Editorial: Osteoimmunology

  • Editorial

Peter Pietschmann

Cell biology of osteoimmunology

  • Themenschwerpunkt

Reinhard Gruber

Glycitein decreases the generation of murine osteoclasts and increases apoptosis

  • Themenschwerpunkt

Maria Winzer, Martina Rauner, Peter Pietschmann

Maternal autoimmune thyroiditis and congenital malformations of newborns in a cohort of Slovak women

  • Original article

Viola Vargová, Marek Pytliak, Viola Mechírová, Marek Felšöci


  • Buchbesprechungen

Gerhard S. Barolin

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