Ausgabe 19-20/2015 Oncology
Inhalt (7 Artikel)
Smoking, inflammation and small cell lung cancer: recent developments
- review
Gerhard Hamilton, Barbara Rath
Prophylactic long-acting granulocyte-colony stimulating factors (G-CSF) in gynecologic malignancies: an oncologic expert statement
- review
Edgar Petru, Christian F. Singer, Stephan Polterauer, Arik Galid, Christian Schauer, Johann Klocker, Michael Seifert, Alexander Reinthaller, Christoph Benedicic, Michael Hubalek, Lukas Hefler, Christian Marth, Tonja Scholl-Firon, Gerhard Bogner, Alain-Gustave Zeimet
The role for surgeryin high-risk prostate cancer
- main topic
Cécilia Lanchon, Shahrokh F. Shariat, Morgan Rouprêt
Bowen’s disease of the nail apparatus: a series of 8 patients and a literature review
- brief report
Uwe Wollina
Das retrocavale extraadrenale Phäochromozytom als Zufallsbefund
- Fallbericht
Katharina Maria Bretterbauer, Daniela Colleselli, Ahmed Magdy, Günter Janetschek, Michael Mitterberger
EARLIER: an observational study to evaluate the use of cinacalcet in incident hemodialysis patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism in daily clinical practice
- original article
Margit Hemetsberger, Rainer Oberbauer, Helmut Erb, Wolfgang Pronai
Medical leech therapy in plastic reconstructive surgery
- review
Khosrow S. Houschyar, Arash Momeni, Zeshaan N. Maan, Malcolm N. Pyles, Olivia S. Jew, Marion Strathe, Andreas Michalsen