Ausgabe 3-4/2011 MAIN TOPIC: New Anticoagulants
Inhalt (10 Artikel)
Editorial: Thrombosis prophylaxis with new anticoagulants: Routine and specific risk groups
- Editorial
Sibylle A. Kozek-Langenecker
Direct thrombin and factor Xa inhibitors in children: a quest for new anticoagulants for children
- Themenschwerpunkt
Werner Streif, Walter Ageno
Actovegin®: a biological drug for more than 5 decades
- Review
Florian Buchmayer, Johannes Pleiner, Martin W. Elmlinger, Gereon Lauer, Gerfried Nell, Harald H. Sitte
Österreichische Patienteninformationsmaterialien zu PSA-Screening entsprechen nicht internationalen evidenzbasierten Standards
- Originalarbeit
Michaela Strobelberger, Angela Kaminski, Gerald Gartlehner
Awareness and use of recommendations for withholding and withdrawing therapy in Austrian intensive care units
- Short communication
Christian J. Wiedermann, Michael Joannidis, Andreas Valentin
Erratum to: Ginkgo biloba in Alzheimer"s disease: a systematic review
- Erratum
Inger M. Janßen, Sibylle Sturtz, Guido Skipka, Annette Zentner, Marcial V. Garrido, Reinhard Busse