Ausgabe 5-6/2021 Vienna Bone and Growth Center – Care and Research in the Field of Rare Diseases
Inhalt (9 Artikel)
The Vienna Bone and Growth Center—care and research in the field of rare diseases
- editorial
Gabriele Haeusler, Rudolf Ganger, Roland Kocijan, Nadja Fratzl-Zelman
Bone and growth: basic principles behind rare disorders
- main topic
Adalbert Raimann, Diana-Alexandra Ertl, Gabriele Haeusler
Rare skeletal disorders: a multidisciplinary postnatal approach to diagnosis and management
- Open Access
- main topic
Nina-Katharina Walleczek, Kristina Förster, Martina Seyr, Nadja Kadrnoska, Jennifer Kolar, Verena Wasinger-Brandweiner, Julia Vodopiutz
Imaging of pediatric bone and growth disorders: Of diagnostic workhorses and new horizons
- Open Access
- main topic
Sarah N. Mehany, Janina M. Patsch
Bone properties in osteogenesis imperfecta: what can we learn from a bone biopsy beyond histology?
- main topic
Matthias Mähr, Stéphane Blouin, Barbara M. Misof, Eleftherios P. Paschalis, Markus A. Hartmann, Jochen Zwerina, Nadja Fratzl-Zelman
New therapeutic options for bone diseases
- main topic
Roland Kocijan, Judith Haschka, Julia Feurstein, Jochen Zwerina
Leg lengthening and deformity correction in rare bone diseases: a multidisciplinary approach
- main topic
Gabriel T. Mindler, Alexandra Stauffer, Rudolf Ganger
Epiphysiodesis for the treatment of tall stature and leg length discrepancy
- Open Access
- main topic
Madeleine Willegger, Markus Schreiner, Alexander Kolb, Reinhard Windhager, Catharina Chiari