Ausgabe 9-10/2011 MAIN TOPIC: Health aspects of mobile phones
Inhalt (12 Artikel)
Children's health and RF EMF exposure. Views from a risk assessment and risk communication perspective
- Main topic
Peter Wiedemann, Holger Schütz
Assessment of exposure to mobile telecommunication electromagnetic fields
- Main topic
Christian Bornkessel
Wireless communication fields and non-specific symptoms of ill health: a literature review
- Main topic
Martin Röösli, Kerstin Hug
Ambulante kardiologische Phase-III-Rehabilitation – retrospektive Kohortenstudie zu einer Wiener Einrichtung
- Original article
Brigitte Piso, Heinz Tüchler, Michael Gyimesi, Ingrid Kollmann, Gottfried Endel, Ingrid Wilbacher, Robert W. Kurz, Rudolf Müller
Position of the mental foramen: an anatomical study
- Short communication
Lumnije Kqiku, Ensad Sivic, Andreas Weiglein, Peter Städtler
Apoptogenic interactions of plasmalemmal type-1 VDAC and Aβ peptides via GxxxG motifs induce Alzheimer's disease – a basic model of apoptosis?*
- Letter to the editor
Friedrich P. Thinnes
Kongressankündigungen Congress Announcements
- Announcements
Erratum to: Actovegin®: a biological drug for more than 5 decades
- Erratum
Florian Buchmayer, Johannes Pleiner, Martin W. Elmlinger, Gereon Lauer, Gerfried Nell, Harald H. Sitte