Ausgabe 9-10/2015 Exogenous origins of pathological conditions
Inhalt (6 Artikel)
Die Beurteilung von Hundebissverletzungen aus gerichtsärztlicher Sicht
- originalarbeit
Sebastian N. Kunz, Jiri Adamec, Christina Grove
Severe cyanide poisoning from an alternative medicine treatment with amygdalin and apricot kernels in a 4-year-old child
- case report
Harald Sauer, Caroline Wollny, Isabel Oster, Erol Tutdibi, Ludwig Gortner, Sven Gottschling, Sascha Meyer
Acute pulmonary edema following liposuction due to heart failure and atypical pneumonia
- brief report
Uwe Wollina, Andreas Graf, Volkmar Hanisch
Depigmentation and hypertrophic scars after application of a fluid lactic acid tattoo eraser
- short report
Uwe Wollina
Predictive accuracy of the first trimester Doppler scan: a meta-study
- original article
Naira Roland Matevosyan
Congenital CLN disease in two siblings
- case report
Sascha Meyer, Umut Yilmaz, Yoo-Jin Kim, Robert Steinfeld, Gabriele Meyberg-Solomayer, Barbara Oehl-Jaschkowitz, Andreas Tzschach, Ludwig Gortner, Julia Igel, Otto Schofer