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122 Suchergebnisse für:
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting
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Best of ASCO 2024
- 01.02.2025
- EditorialNotes
ASCO: "Limited stage" SCLC: Konsolidierung schenkt Lebensjahre
- 14.06.2024
- ASCO 2024
- Kongressbericht
- Online-Artikel
ASCO: HPV-Impfung schützt auch Männer vor Krebs
- 12.06.2024
- ASCO 2024
- Kongressbericht
- Online-Artikel
ASCO: CAR-T-Zell-Therapie bei jungen Leukämiekranken hat sich weiterentwickelt
- 18.06.2024
- ASCO 2024
- Kongressbericht
- Online-Artikel
Upper-GI highlights from ASCO and ASCO-GI 2023 meetings: changing paradigm in treatment sequence
- Open Access
- 29.12.2023
- ReviewPaper
64th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Surgery and 55th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Vascular Surgery
Standards – Training – Visionen
- 25.05.2023
- News
Report from the Virtual American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, 4th -8th June 2021, the 26th European Hematology Association (EHA) 2021 Virtual Congress, 9th -17th June 2021, and the Virtual 17th International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma (ICML), 18th -22nd June 2021
- 13.10.2021
- ASCO 2021
- Events
ASCO 2023: highlights in breast cancer
- Open Access
- 05.12.2023
- ReviewPaper
ASCO update—hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocellular carcinoma
- Open Access
- 27.10.2023
- ReviewPaper
ASCO 2023—partnering with patients: the cornerstone of cancer care and research
- 01.12.2023
- EditorialNotes
63rd Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Surgery
- 11.05.2022
- News
ASCO: Resektabler Speiseröhrenkrebs: FLOT schlägt CROSS
- 10.07.2024
- Onkologie
- Online-Artikel
ASCO: Neue Therapieoption für stark vorbehandelte TNBC-Patientinnen
- 10.07.2024
- Onkologie
- Kongressbericht
- Online-Artikel
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Zusätzliche Suchergebnisse nach Typ
- A GLOBAL CONGRESS DIGEST ON TARGETED THERAPIES IN B-CELL MALIGNANCIES. Report from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting (hybrid), 2nd-6th June 2023, European Hematology Association (EHA) 2023 Congress (hybrid), 8th-11th June 2023, and the 17th International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma (ICML) 2023 Congress (hybrid), 13th-17th June 2023
- A GLOBAL CONGRESS DIGEST ON TARGETED AND IMMUNE-DIRECTED THERAPIES IN HAEMATOLOGICAL MALIGNANCIES. Report from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting (hybrid), 2nd–6th June 2022, and the 30th European Hematology Association (EHA) 2022 Congress (hybrid), 9th–12th June 2022
- Report from the Virtual American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, 4th -8th June 2021, the 26th European Hematology Association (EHA) 2021 Virtual Congress, 9th -17th June 2021, and the Virtual 17th International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma (ICML), 18th -22nd June 2021
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