Ausgabe 1-2/2015
Inhalt (21 Artikel)
Systematic implementation of clinical risk management in a large university hospital: the impact of risk managers
- perspective
Gerald Sendlhofer, Gernot Brunner, Christa Tax, Gebhard Falzberger, Josef Smolle, Karina Leitgeb, Brigitte Kober, Lars Peter Kamolz
10th anniversary of the Austrian MDS Platform: aims and ongoing projects
- review article
Sonja Burgstaller, Peter Bettelheim, Otto Krieger, Sigrid Machherndl-Spandl, Thomas Nösslinger, Lisa Pleyer, Heinz Sill, Wolfgang R. Sperr, Reinhard Stauder, Peter Valent, Michael Pfeilstöcker
Trichobezoar causing recurrent gastric ulcer and perforation
- images in clinical medicine
Oliver John, Johann Auer
A common disease but rare presentation: branchial cyst located on tonsil
- images in clinical medicine
Mansur Doğan, Mustafa Fatih Erkoç, Salim Yüce, Kübra Yıldız Şeker, İsmail Önder Uysal, Ersin Tuncer
Evaluation of liver perfusion in diabetic patients using 99mTc-sestamibi
- original article
Hacer Şen, Yusuf Ziya Tan, Emine Binnetoğlu, Mehmet Aşik, Fahri Güneş, Gökhan Erbağ, Emine Gazi, Sibel Cevizci, Semra Özdemir, Erdem Akbal, Kubilay Ükinç
No evidence for desmocollin 3 to serve as a prognostic marker in primary radiotherapy of head and neck cancer
- original article
Dominik Riss, Johannes Pammer, Matthaeus C. Grasl, Alexandra Kaider, Sven Schneider, Boban M. Erovic
Elite level rhythmic gymnasts have significantly more and stronger pain than peers of similar age: a prospective study
- original article
Manuel Sabeti, Lusine Jeremian, Alexandra Graf, Robert Kandelhart
Self-reported frequency and impact of hypoglycaemic events in insulin-treated diabetic patients in Austria
- Open Access
- original article
Raimund Weitgasser, Sandra Lopes
The major predictors of amputation and length of stay in diabetic patients with acute foot ulceration
- original article
Suzan Tabur, Mehmet Ali Eren, Yakup Çelik, Omer Faruk Dağ, Tevfik Sabuncu, Zeynel Abidin Sayiner, Esen Savas
Effect of proton pump inhibitors on gastric pH in patients exposed to severe stress
- original article
Kurt Lenz, Robert Buder, Fritz Firlinger, Gerald Lohr, Martin Voglmayr
Injury pattern in correlation with the height of fatal falls
- original article
Stephanie Arbes, Andrea Berzlanovich
Therapy of a clear cell adenocarcinoma of unknown primary arising in the abdominal wall after cesarean section and after hysterectomy
- case report
Stefanie Aust, Denise Tiringer, Christoph Grimm, Josefine Stani, Martin Langer
Cerebral sinuvenous thrombosis: a rare complication of Lyme neuroborreliosis
- case report
Katarina Blažina, Vladimir Miletić, Maja Relja, Danira Bažadona
Intrauterine device may trigger typical attacks of familial Mediterranean fever: a case report
- case report
Ilhan Kurultak, Can Kinalp, Mevlut Ceri, Tevfik Rıfkı Evrenkaya
Spinal subdural hematoma following lumbar decompressive surgery: a report of two cases
- case report
Marios G. Lykissas, Alexander Aichmair, Richard J. Herzog, Joshua E. Schroeder, Russel C. Huang, James Farmer
Screening of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in patients with coronary heart disease by transient elastography: proceed with caution
- letter to the editor
Masato Yoneda, Kento Imajo, Satoru Saito, Atsushi Nakajima
Red cell distribution width: a novel prognostic factor of pulmonary embolism?
- letter to the editor
Ergenekon Karagöz, Mehmet Doğan, Alpaslan Tanoglu
MedUni Wien Researcher of the month, Jänner 2015
- MUW researcher of the month
Researcher of the month
- MUW researcher of the month
Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft der Ärzte in Wien
- mitteilungen der gesellschaft der ärzte in wien
- mitteilungen der gesellschaft