Ausgabe 3-4/2015
Inhalt (16 Artikel)
Detection of necrosis of the gastric fundus after blunt abdominal trauma by PET-CT
- images in clinical medicine
A. Hofer, H. Kratochwill, A. Pentsch, M. Gabriel
Novel agents have a significant impact on survival of patients with multiple myeloma
- original article
Wolfgang Lamm, Sandra Eder, Marija Bojic, Christoph C. Zielinski, Johannes Drach
Ki-67 proliferation index in patients with placenta previa percreta in the third trimester
- original article
Nese Hilali, Sezen Kocarslan, Mehmet Vural, Adnan Incebiyik, Aysun Camuzcuoglu, Hakan Camuzcuoglu
The Radio-protective effects of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester and Thymoquinone in rats exposed to total head irradiation
- original article
Oztekin Cikman, Seyithan Taysi, Murat Taner Gulsen, Elif Demir, Muslum Akan, Halit Diril, Hasan Ali Kiraz, Muammer Karaayvaz, Mehmet Tarakcioglu
The possible impact of the German DRGs reimbursement system on end-of-life decision making in a surgical intensive care unit
- original article
Peter Stachura, Peter Oberender, Anika C. Bundscherer, Christoph H. R. Wiese
Gender, metabolic control and carotid intima-media-thickness in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus
- original article
Georgiana-Aura Giurgea, Katrin Nagl, Michael Gschwandtner, Clemens Höbaus, Thomas Hörtenhuber, Renate Koppensteiner, Christian Margeta, Maria Fritsch, Birgit Rami-Merhar, Gerit-Holger Schernthaner, Oliver Schlager, Edith Schober, Sabine Steiner, Andrea Willfort-Ehringer
Public (Skin) Health perspectives of gender differences in tanning habits and sun protective behaviour: a cross-sectional questionnaire survey
- original article
Daniela Haluza, Hanns Moshammer, Michael Kundi, Renate Cervinka
Invasive Candida infections in patients of a medical intensive care unit
- original article
Sebastian Kautzky, Thomas Staudinger, Elisabeth Presterl
A pain in the throat: a 19-year history of symptoms relating to the carotid artery
- case report
Ashleigh Elkins, Michael Barakate, Jasmine Henderson, Stuart Grieve
Endogenous endophthalmitis after carotid endarterectomy due to exudative macular degeneration
- case report
Domagoj Ivastinovic, Yosuf El-Shabrawi, Navid Ardjomand
Incomplete (135°) prone position as an alternative to full prone position for lung recruitment in ARDS during ECMO therapy
- letter to the editor
Andreas Brunauer, Daniel Dankl, Martin W. Dünser
Clinical–Pathological Conference Series from the Medical University of Graz
- Clinical-Pathological Conference
Elisabeth Fabian, Christian Madl, Sabine Horn, Peter Kornprat, Ralph Maderthaner, Ariane Aigelsreiter, Robert Krause, Peter Fickert, Guenter J. Krejs
Researcher of the month
- MUW researcher of the month
Researcher of the month
- MUW researcher of the month
Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft
- mitteilungen der gesellschaft
Mitteilungen der gesellschaft der ärzte in wien
- mitteilungen der gesellschaft der ärzte in wien