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Wiener klinische Wochenschrift

Ausgabe 11-12/2015

Inhalt (17 Artikel)

Effect of airborne hydrogen peroxide on spores of Clostridium difficile

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Georg Steindl, Anita Fiedler, Steliana Huhulescu, Günther Wewalka, Franz Allerberger

Serum paraoxonase activity, total thiols levels, and oxidative status in patients with acute brucellosis

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Ramazan Esen, Mehmet Aslan, Mehmet Emin Kucukoglu, Aytekin Cıkman, Umit Yakan, Mahmut Sunnetcioglu, Sahbettin Selek

Delayed auditory pathway maturation and prematurity

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Martin Koenighofer, Thomas Parzefall, Reinhard Ramsebner, Trevor Lucas, Klemens Frei

The accuracy of urinary ultrasound in the diagnosis of urinary stone disease in patients with acute flank pain: is it influenced by the time of ultrasound performance during the day or week?

  • original article

Mustafa Resorlu, Mohamed Ismat Abdulmajed, Eylem Burcu Resorlu, Can Ates, Fatma Uysal, Gurhan Adam, Nilufer Aylanc, Sibel Cevizci, Alpaslan Akbas, Eyup Burak Sancak, Murat Tolga Gulpinar

Usefulness of liver test and controlled attenuation parameter in detection of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in patients with chronic renal failure and coronary heart disease

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Ivana Mikolasevic, Lidija Orlic, Luka Zaputovic, Sanjin Racki, Zlatko Cubranic, Kata Anic, Bosiljka Devcic, Davor Stimac

Estimation of incidence, prevalence, and age-at-diagnosis of myasthenia gravis among adults by hospital discharge records

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Anett Foldvari, Nora Kovacs, Valeria Sipos, Gabriella Merth, Ferenc Vincze, Maria Szucs, Janos Sandor

Size, edge, and stage of NSCLC determine the release of CYFRA 21-1 in bloodstream

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Helga Sertić Milić, Ana Franjević, Gordana Bubanović, Ante Marušić, Igor Nikolić, Igor Puljić

New educational approach for patients on warfarin improves knowledge and therapy control

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Alenka Mavri, Nina Ostasevski Fernandez, Anja Kramaric, Katarina Kosmelj

Unusual treatment of Kasabach–Merritt syndrome secondary to hepatic hemangioma: embolization with bleomycin

  • case report

Halil Bozkaya, Celal Cinar, Ömer Vedat Ünalp, Mustafa Parildar, Ismail Oran

Ectopic acromegaly due to a growth hormone-secreting neuroendocrine-differentiated tumor developed from ovarian mature cystic teratoma

  • case report

Mesut Ozkaya, Zeynel Abidin Sayiner, Gurkan Kiran, Kamile Gul, Ibrahim Erkutlu, Umut Elboga

Monogenic glucokinase diabetes and pregnancy: a case study

  • case report

Iva Haladová, Daniela Čechurová, Silvie Lacigová, Zdeněk Rušavý

Supraclavicular approach for removal of apical thoracic schwannoma

  • images in clinical medicine

Borki Vucetic, Narcis Hudorovic, Visnja Vicic-Hudorovic

mitteilungen der gesellschaft der ärzte in wien

  • mitteilungen der gesellschaft der ärzte in wien