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Wiener klinische Wochenschrift

Ausgabe 19-20/2012

Inhalt (13 Artikel)

The meta-analysis of the association of PPARG P12A, C161T polymorphism and coronary heart disease

  • review article

Saidan Ding, Leping Liu, Qǐ-Chuan Zhuge, Zhen Yu, Xing Zhang, Jieya Xie, Weilong Hong, Silu Wang, Yunxiu Yang, Bicheng Chen

Thyrotropin-secreting pituitary adenomas: diagnosis and management of patients from one Chinese center

  • original article

Weiwei Zhao, Hongying Ye, Yiming Li, Linuo Zhou, Bin Lu, Shuo Zhang, Jie Wen, Shiqi Li, Yehong Yang, Renming Hu

Determinants of exercise capacity in dilated cardiomyopathy: a prospective, explorative cohort study

  • original article

Wilhelm Grander, Bernhard Koller, Johannes Schwaiger, Herbert Tilg, Martin W. Dünser

Do clinical guidelines improve management of sepsis in critically ill elderly patients? A before-and-after study of the implementation of a sepsis protocol

  • original article

Hans Juergen Heppner, Katrin Singler, Anja Kwetkat, Steffen Popp, Adelheid Susanne Esslinger, Philipp Bahrmann, Matthias Kaiser, Thomas Bertsch, Cornel Christian Sieber, Michael Christ

Long term results of operative treatment of knee osteochondritis dissecans

  • original article

Samo K. Fokter, Andrej Strahovnik, Darjan Kos, Andraž Dovnik, Nina Fokter

Optimized imaging techniques for testicular masses: fast and with high accuracy

  • original article

Guner Sonmez, Ali Kemal Sivrioglu, Murat Velioglu, Mehmet Incedayi, Hasan Soydan, Kemal Kara, Ferhat Ateş, Muzaffer Saglam

Genetic characterization of Panton–Valentine leukocidin-producing methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Western Austria

  • original article

Michael Berktold, Katharina Grif, Martin Mäser, Wolfgang Witte, Reinhard Würzner, Dorothea Orth-Höller

Knowledge about and use of pharmacological and non-pharmacological headache therapies

  • original article

Doris Lieba-Samal, Stefan Seidel, Sophie Frantal, Christian Wöber

Failure of pentagastrin-stimulated calcitonin testing in early manifestation of familial medullary thyroid cancer

  • case report

Christian Pirich, Gundula Rendl, Cornelia Hauser-Kronberger, Ingrid Häusler

Subinvolution of placental bed vessels: case report and review of the literature

  • case report

Iztok Takač, Rajko Kavalar, Darja Arko, Nina Fokter Dovnik


  • mitteilungen der gesellschaft der ärzte in wien

Researcher of the month, Oktober 2012

  • MUW resarcher of the month

Elmar Joura

Erratum zu: Leitlinie zur Prävention und Früherkennung von Brust und Eierstockkrebs bei Hochrisikopatientinnen, insbesondere bei Frauen aus HBOC (Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer) Familien

  • Erratum zu

Christian F. Singer, Muy-Kheng Tea, Gunda Pristauz, Michael Hubalek, Christine Rappaport, Christopher Riedl, Thomas Helbich