Ausgabe 19-20/2017
Inhalt (12 Artikel)
Efficacy of a multidisciplinary pulmonary rehabilitation outpatient program on exacerbations in overweight and obese patients with asthma
- original article
Ipek Candemir, Pinar Ergun, Dicle Kaymaz
Long-term predictors of anxiety and depression in adult patients with asthma
- original article
Marina Labor, Slavica Labor, Iva Jurić, Vladimir Fijačko, Sanja Popović Grle, Davor Plavec
Different clinical effect of several types of airborne allergens on the severity of bronchial hyperreactivity
- original article
Slavomír Perečinský, Marek Varga, Jozefína Petrovičová, Ondrej Ragač, Katarína Perečinská, Andrea Jančová, Lenka Murínová, Tomáš Bačinský, L’ubomír Legáth
Non-invasive ventilation for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure in older patients
- original article
Fatma Çiftci, Aydın Çiledağ, Serhat Erol, Akın Kaya
Listening to music during shock wave lithotripsy decreases anxiety, pain, and dissatisfaction
- original article
Ozgur Cakmak, Sertac Cimen, Huseyin Tarhan, Rahmi Gokhan Ekin, Ilker Akarken, Volkan Ulker, Orcun Celik, Cem Yucel, Erdem Kisa, Batuhan Ergani, Taha Cetin, Zafer Kozacioglu
Improvement of quality of life and psychological distress after inpatient cancer rehabilitation
- Open Access
- original article
David Riedl, Johannes M. Giesinger, Lisa M. Wintner, Fanny L. Loth, Gerhard Rumpold, Richard Greil, Alain Nickels, Thomas Licht, Bernhard Holzner
Technical consideration of the MOVARPE technique in intricate pectus excavatum deformity
- Open Access
- original article
Anton H. Schwabegger, Barbara Del Frari, Julia Metzler
Association between high cytomegalovirus antibody titers and blood pressure in the adult Kazakh and Han Chinese populations
- original article
Na Tang, Jia-Wei Li, Yong-Min Liu, Hua Zhong, La-Mei Wang, Feng-Mei Deng, Jing Hui, Yuan-Yuan Qu, Fang He
Catamenial pneumothorax since introduction of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery
- review article
Katja Bricelj, Matevž Srpčič, Anej Ražem, Žiga Snoj
- mitteilungen der gesellschaft der ärzte in wien
Abstracts ÖAG 2017
- abstracts