Ausgabe 3-4/2013
Inhalt (11 Artikel)
Neurotoxic effects of nonylphenol: a review
- review article
Xu Jie, Li JianMei, Feng Zheng, Gong Lei, Zhang Biao, Yu Jie
The MAINTAIN study—managing hemoglobin variability with darbepoetin alfa in dialysis patients experiencing a severe drop in hemoglobin
- original article
Bruno Watschinger, Hermann Salmhofer, Sabine Horn, Ulrich Neyer, Tatjana Wiesinger, Martin Wiesholzer, Helmut Erb, Christine Jaeger, Margit Hemetsberger, Alexander R. Rosenkranz
Clinical and laboratory features of viral hepatitis A in children
- Original Article
Zuzana Blechová, Milan Trojánek, Jan Kynčl, Jitka Částková, Jerry John, Marek Malý, Kristýna Herrmannová, Vilma Marešová
Postpartum persistent proteinuria after preeclampsia: a single-center experience
- original article
Selman Unverdi, Mevlut Ceri, Hatice Unverdi, Rahmi Yilmaz, Ali Akcay, Murat Duranay
The effects of Lichtenstein tension-free mesh hernia repair on testicular arterial perfusion and sexual functions
- original article
Hakan Bulus, Mustafa Dogan, Adnan Tas, Kadir Agladıoglu, Ali Coskun
Relationship between breast arterial calcifications detected on mammography and brachial artery intima-media thickness
- original article
Besir Erdogmus, Ramazan Buyukkaya, Ayla Buyukkaya, Burhan Yazıcı
The antibiotic prescription and redemption gap and opportunistic CRP point-of-care testing. A cross-sectional study in primary health care from Eastern Austria
- original article
Kathryn Hoffmann, Anna Katharina Leifheit, Berthold Reichardt, Manfred Maier
Rare aneurysm of the hepatic artery with overlap to the gastroduodenal artery in very uncommon coincidence with occurence of hepatomesenteric trunk
- case report
Philip Bueschel*, Frank Meyer*, Mathias Weber, Hermann-Josef Rothkoetter, Maciej Pech, Zuhir Halloul
Mitteilungen Februar 2013
- mitteilungen der gesellschaft der ärzte in wien
- mitteilungen der gesellschaft