Ausgabe 5-6/2013
Inhalt (12 Artikel)
Chemotherapy of vulvar cancer: a review
- review article
Gunter Deppe, Ismail Mert, Jimmy Belotte, Ira S. Winer
Autologous stem cell transplantation in adults with metastatic sarcoma of the Ewing family: a single centre experience
- original article
Wolfgang Lamm, Werner Rabitsch, Wolfgang J. Köstler, Peter Kalhs, Philipp Ubl, Thomas Brodowicz
Female and male victims of violence in an urban emergency room—prevalence, sociodemographic characteristics, alcohol intake, and injury patterns
- original article
Nathalie Tatjana Burkert, Éva Rásky, Wolfgang Freidl, Franziska Großschädl, Johanna Muckenhuber, Renate Krassnig, Regina Gatternig, Herwig-Peter Hofer
Detection of Plasmodium sp.-infested Anopheles hyrcanus (Pallas 1771) (Diptera: Culicidae) in Austria, 2012
- original article
Bernhard Seidel, Katja Silbermayr, Jolanta Kolodziejek, Alexander Indra, Norbert Nowotny, Franz Allerberger
Rapid prototyping technique in the preoperative planning for total hip arthroplasty with custom femoral components
- original article
Cosmin Faur, Nicolae Crainic, Carmen Sticlaru, Cristian Oancea
High levels of lung resident CD4+CD28null cells in COPD: implications of autoimmunity
- original article
K. Hoetzenecker, A. Mitterbauer, E. Guenova, T. Schweiger, P. Altmann, M. Zimmermann, H. Hofbauer, L. Beer, W. Klepetko, H. J. Ankersmit
Ecarin modified rotational thrombelastometry: a point-of-care applicable alternative to monitor the direct thrombin inhibitor argatroban
- short report
Eva Schaden, Andreas Schober, Stefan Hacker, Sibylle Kozek-Langenecker
Selenium intake and selenium blood levels: a novel food frequency questionnaire
- short report
Marianne Pestitschek, Charlotte Sonneck-Koenne, S. R. Zakavi, Shuren Li, Peter Knoll, Siroos Mirzaei
Ausbildungen in Innere Medizin im Umbruch
- mitteilungen der gesellschaft
Jänner 2013
- mitteilungen der gesellschaft der ärzte in wien