Ausgabe 5-6/2017
Inhalt (13 Artikel)
Defensive medicine and overutilization of imaging—an issue of radiation protection
- editorial
Franz Kainberger
Growing number of emergency cranial CTs in patients with head injury not justified by their clinical need
- original article
Lukas Lambert, Ondrej Foltan, Jan Briza, Alena Lambertova, Pavel Harsa, Rohan Banerjee, Jan Danes
Distal tibial fractures: evaluation of different fixation techniques
- original article
Julian Jöstl, Thomas Manfred Tiefenböck, Marcus Hofbauer, Markus Winnisch, Nikolaus Lang, Stefan Hajdu, Kambiz Sarahrudi
Displaced juvenile Tillaux fractures
- Open Access
- original article
Thomas M. Tiefenboeck, Harald Binder, Julian Joestl, Michael M. Tiefenboeck, Sandra Boesmueller, Christian Krestan, Mark Schurz
Primary surgical repair of acute Achilles tendon rupture: comparative results of three surgical techniques
- original article
Dragan Lonzarić, Aleksandar Kruščić, Dejan Dinevski, Petra Povalej Bržan, Breda Jesenšek Papež
Lymphedema and employability – Review and results of a survey of Austrian experts
- Open Access
- original article
Markus Neubauer, Dieter Schoberwalter, Fadime Cenik, Mohammad Keilani, Richard Crevenna
Patterns of diabetes care in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania
- Open Access
- original article
Miro Cokolic, Nebojsa M Lalic, Dragan Micic, Gorana Mirosevic, Sanja Klobucar Majanovic, Ivaylo N Lefterov, Mariana Graur
Recent trends in the distribution of causative diseases of fever of unknown origin
- original article
Jin Shang, Libo Yan, Lingyao Du, Lingbo Liang, Qiaoling Zhou, Tao Liang, Lang Bai, Hong Tang
Middle ear adenoma with neuroendocrine differentiation
- case report
Elisabeth Sterrer, Franz Windisch, Kurt Frey, Klaus Rettensteiner, Benjamin Loader
Bone microarchitecture deteriorations and a fragility fracture in a patient with beta and alpha heterozygous thalassemia: a case report
- Open Access
- case report
Xaver Feichtinger, Roland Kocijan, Heinrich Resch, Christian Muschitz
Spontaneous rupture of angiomyolipoma of the kidney
- images in clinial medicine
Friedrich C. Prischl, Peter Spöttl
MUW researcher of the month
- MUW researcher of the month
- mitteilungen der gesellschaft der ärzte in wien