Ausgabe 19-20/2011 Applied biomechanics in osteology
Inhalt (7 Artikel)
An evaluation of applied biomechanics as an adjunct to systematic specific causation in forensic medicine
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Michael D. Freeman, Sean S. Kohles
Role of optimization criterion in static asymmetric analysis of lumbar spine load
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Matej Daniel
Biomechanical factors influencing the beginning and development of osteoarthritis in the hip joint
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Zdenek Horak, Petr Kubovy, Martin Stupka, Jitka Horakova
Optimizing and evaluating the biocompatibility of fiber composites with calcium phosphate additives
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Tomáš Suchý, Karel Balík, Zbyněk Sucharda, Miroslav Sochor, Monika Lapčíková, Radek Sedláček
Laudatio auf Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl Heinz Tragl anlässlich seines 75. Geburtstages
- Laudatio
Peter Fischer, Maria Steiner, Thomas Egger, Peter Pietschmann