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Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift

Ausgabe 21-22/2011 MAIN TOPIC: Applied biomechanics in osteology

Inhalt (7 Artikel)

Circulating retinol-binding protein 4 and metabolic syndrome in the elderly

  • Main topic

Nazanin Mostafaie, Christian Sebesta, Sonja Zehetmayer, Susanne Jungwirth, Klaus R. Huber, Margareta Hinterberger, Thomas Leitha, Jörg Hofman, Milos Hejtman, Karl Schrattbauer, Walter Krugluger, Karl-Heinz Tragl, Peter Fischer

Training increases peroxiredoxin 2 contents in the erythrocytes of overweight/obese men suffering from type 2 diabetes

  • Main topic

David Assadi Moghaddam, Anke Heber, Dario Capin, Thorsten Kreutz, David Opitz, Edward Lenzen, Wilhelm Bloch, Klara Brixius, Christian Brinkmann

Comparison of antihyperglycemic effects of creatine and glibenclamide in type II diabetic patients

  • Main topic

Boris Ročić, Ariana Znaor, Petra Ročić, David Weber, Marijana Vučić Lovrenčić

Diabetes mellitus und kognitive Störungen

  • Main topic

Bernhard Iglseder

Psychopharmaka und Diabetes

  • Main topic

Claudia Ress, Alexander Tschoner, Susanne Kaser, Christoph F. Ebenbichler

Der palliative Behandlungsplan als Entscheidungsbasis zwischen palliativer und notfallmedizinischer Behandlung

  • Short communication

Wolfgang Lederer, Angelika Feichtner, Elisabeth Medicus


  • Book review

Gerhart S. Barolin

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