Ausgabe 3-4/2013 MAIN TOPIC: Phytopharmaceuticals – Phytotherapy
Inhalt (11 Artikel)
Herbal medicinal products in the paediatric population—status quo and perspectives
- main topic
Tankred Wegener
Herbal triplet in treatment of nervous agitation in children
- Open Access
- main topic
Inga Trompetter, Bianka Krick, Gabriele Weiss
STW 5 (Iberogast®)—a safe and effective standard in the treatment of functional gastrointestinal disorders
- Open Access
- main topic
Bertram Ottillinger, Martin Storr, Peter Malfertheiner, Hans-Dieter Allescher
Candelabra Aloe (Aloe arborescens) in the therapy and prophylaxis of upper respiratory tract infections: traditional use and recent research results
- main topic
Petra Bastian, Andrzej M. Fal, Jerzy Jambor, Anna Michalak, Britta Noster, Hartwig Sievers, Anke Steuber, Natalia Walas-Marcinek
Sulforaphane and related mustard oils in focus of cancer prevention and therapy
- main topic
Ingrid Herr, Vladimir Lozanovski, Philipp Houben, Peter Schemmer, Markus W. Büchler
Characterization of anxiolytic and neuropharmacological activities of Silexan
- main topic
Vikas Kumar
Besserung der Symptome einer leichten Schilddrüsenüberfunktion mit einem Trockenextrakt aus Wolfstrappkraut (Thyreogutt® mono)
- themenschwerpunkt
Rudolf Eiling, Veronika Wieland, Michael Niestroj
Erratum to: Update on denosumab in postmenopausal osteoporosis—recent clinical data
- Erratum
Christian Muschitz, Astrid Fahrleitner-Pammer, Johannes Huber, Elisabeth Preisinger, Stefan Kudlacek, Heinrich Resch