Ausgabe 3-4/2025 History of Medicine
Inhalt (6 Artikel)
On the authenticity of Beethoven’s skull fragments from the estate of Prof. Dr. Romeo Seligmann
- main topic
Christian Reiter
Alcohol and the death of Ludwig van Beethoven: comparison of general biographies to the medical literature
- Geschichte der Medizin
- review
Dongwon Lee, William Meredith, Benjamin Lebwohl
Assassination of Elisabeth, Empress of Austria, Queen of Hungary, on 10 September 1898: further additions and minor annotations
- short communication
Andreas G. Nerlich, Roland Sedivy, Michael E. Habicht, Francesco M. Galassi, Simon Donell, Viktoria Bogner-Flatz, Oliver K. Peschel
Der Skorbut – eine heute vergessene Volkskrankheit
- Open Access
- Geschichte der Medizin
- original article
Heinz Flamm